Brooke has been a member at Synergy for a year and a half. She trained through her second pregnancy, only to get back into the gym post-partum so she could make the top Mixed Ultimate Frisbee team in … [Read More...] about Featured Athlete: Brooke
Main Content
Is synergy the gym for you?
Step 1
Step 2
Goal-Setting and Movement Screen
Step 3
One month coached trial!
Are you ready?
Your story is unique
Everyone's path to wellness is different, but they all start with the first step.
Which path is yours?
You overachieve but underperform
Yes! This is me
You’re overwhelmed and underactive
Yes! This is me

The Step-Up Breathing Protocol
The Step-Up Breathing Protocol serves as a great pre-workout by prepping the respiratory system (you will be working hard which will require more intense breathing), making more O2 available to you, … [Read More...] about The Step-Up Breathing Protocol

The coach yells "TIME!" and you collapse on the floor in a heap of rubble. With muscles burning and heart thumping you try to stop time, but before you know it the coach is yelling again... "Next … [Read More...] about HIIT

Mobility Flow
Just a couple of flows from an Active Recovery workout. Practicing strength work, metabolic conditioning, skill development, competition, and that thing called life can be exhausting for an athlete. … [Read More...] about Mobility Flow

Community Workout – Saturday, 1/27/18 @ 10 AM
Are you frustrated with your workout? Tired of putting in the work and not seeing the results? Don’t fret, there is a better way to train! Our Better Way To Train You are invited to experience our … [Read More...] about Community Workout – Saturday, 1/27/18 @ 10 AM
Business hours
Monday-Thursday: 6am-7pm
Friday: 6am-2pm
Saturday: 8am-Noon
Contact us
Our facility
Suite 23
Dallas, TX 75240
PARKING: There are limited spots available in front of the gym. If all parking spaces are full, please use the shopping complex parking garage.